Top 20 Islamic Quotes in Urdu for a Blessed Jumma Mubarak
Top 20 Islamic Quotes in urdu for a Blessed Jumma Mubarak
It is a day of blessings, worship, and spiritual reflection. Sharing Islamic Quotes is a beautiful way to remind ourselves and others of the teachings of Islam and the importance of Jumma. In this article, we bring you Islamic Quotes in Urdu that inspire faith, spread positivity, and enhance the beauty of Jumma Mubarak.
Let’s dive into the collection of Top 20 Islamic Quotes in Urdu for Jumma Mubarak, along with their significance and relevance to this blessed day.
The Significance of Jumma Mubarak
Jumma Mubarak, or Friday, holds a special place in Islam for Muslims around the world.. It is considered the best day of the week, and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
> “The best day the sun rises over is Friday.” (Sahih Muslim)
On this day, Muslims gather for congregational prayers, seek forgiveness, and connect with Allah through worship and good deeds. Sharing
Jumma Mubarak Quotes in Urdu not only spreads blessings but also reminds others to focus on their faith.
Top 20 Islamic Quotes in Urdu for Jumma Mubarak
Below are 20 beautiful Islamic quotes in Urdu to inspire you and your loved ones this Jumma Mubarak:
اللہ فرماتا ہے؛
جب میرا بندہ ٹوٹا ہوا دل کے کر میری بارگاہ میں آتا ہے تو میں اُس کی دعائیں رد نہیں کرتا
Allah says;
When My servant comes to Me with a broken heart, I do not reject his prayers
بے شک
توڑے والے ہزار ہیں
لیکن جوڑنے والی ذات صرف میرے رب کی ہے
There are thousands of broken ones But the connecting Self belongs only to my Lord
جمعہ مبارک
اللہ تعالیٰ اس مبارک دن کے صدقے سب کے والدین کو صحت یابی والی لمبی زندگی عطا فرمائے
Happy Friday
May Allah grant all the parents a healthy and long life for the charity of this auspicious day
ادھوری دعائیں
اگر کوئی چیز بہت مانگنے پر بھی نہ ملے تو یقیناً وہ تمہارے حق میں بہتر نہیں ہے
Incomplete prayers
If you do not get something even after asking a lot, it is certainly not good for you
صبر اور آزمائش
نااُمید مت ہو اللہ بس تمہارے صبر کو آزما رہا ہے
Patience and trial
Don’t despair, Allah is just testing your patience
مقدر لکھنے والے کے پاس
مقدر بدلنے کا بھی اختیار ہے
To the destined writer There is also an option to change destiny
رب العالمین
وہ رب تو آنسو بھی پڑھ لیتا ہے
بول نہیں سکتے تو رو لیا کرو
Lord of the worlds
That Lord reads even tears If you can’t speak, cry
قرآن کہتا ہے
وَ لَلْاٰخِرَةُ خَیْرٌ لَّكَ مِنَ الْاُوْلٰى
تمہارا مستقبل تمہارے ماضی سے بہتر ہوگا
Quran says
And for the latter, there is good for you from the former. Your future will be better than your past
جمعہ مبارک
میری دعا ہے کہ اللہ اس مبارک جمعے کے صدقے سب کی دلی مرادیں پوری فرمائے
Happy Friday
I pray that Allah fulfills everyone’s wishes on this blessed Friday
جمعہ مبارک
تمام اہل اسلام کو جمعہ مبارک
اللہ پاک ہم سب کو باقاعدگی سے تمام نمازیں پڑھنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے
Happy Friday
Happy Friday to all Muslims May Allah grant us all the ability to perform all prayers regularly Amen
نماز کو قائم کرو، کیونکہ نماز مومن کی معراج ہے۔
Establish prayer, for prayer is the ascension of a believer
جو شخص اللہ کی راہ میں صدقہ کرتا ہے، اس کا مال کبھی کم نہیں ہوتا۔
He who gives charity for the sake of Allah will never see his wealth decrease
ہر مشکل کے ساتھ آسانی ہے۔ – سورہ الشرح (94:6)
Indeed, with every hardship comes ease
اور اللہ ہی بہترین فیصلہ کرنے والا ہے۔
سورہ یوسف (12:80)
And Allah is the best of judges
Surah Al – Yusuf (12:80)
جمعہ کا دن مؤمن کے لئے ایک عید کا دن ہے۔
Friday is a day of celebration for the believer
جو شخص اللہ کی راہ میں شکر کرتا ہے، اللہ اس کی نعمتوں کو بڑھا دیتا ہے۔
Whoever is grateful to Allah, He increases His blessings
Why Share Jumma Mubarak Quotes in Urdu?
Sharing Jumma Mubarak Quotes in Urdu is a simple yet meaningful way to spread goodness and positivity. Urdu, being a language full of eloquence, beautifully conveys the depth and emotion of Islamic teachings. By sharing these quotes, you:
• Remind others of Allah’s blessings.
• Inspire people to increase their worship.
• Share the message of love, peace, and hope with others.
Jumma Mubarak is a day to connect with Allah, reflect on His blessings, and strengthen our faith. These Islamic Quotes in Urdu are a powerful way to remind ourselves and others of the importance of faith, gratitude, and good deeds. As you share these quotes with your family and friends, remember to act upon the teachings they convey.
May this Jumma bring you countless blessings and peace. Jumma Mubarak!
Q1: Why is Jumma considered special in Islam?
Jumma is considered special because it is the best day of the week, as mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is a day of congregational prayers, forgiveness, and blessings.
Q2: Can I share Islamic quotes on social media for Jumma Mubarak?
Yes, sharing Islamic quotes, especially in Urdu, on social media is a great way to inspire others and spread positivity.
Q3: What are some easy deeds to perform on Jumma Mubarak?
Some easy deeds include reading Surah Al-Kahf, making lots of Dhikr, sending Salawat upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and giving charity.
Q4: How do Islamic quotes in Urdu impact readers?
Islamic quotes in Urdu resonate deeply with readers because the language beautifully expresses Islamic teachings and evokes a spiritual connection.
Q5: Where can I find more Jumma Mubarak quotes in Urdu?
You can find more quotes on Islamic blogs, social media platforms, or create your own collection to share with others.
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